Thursday 25 July 2019

Git-Part 4: Undoing and Discarding Changes


Undoing: Discarding Unstaged Changes

● Scenario:

You edited file(s) but you have not yet staged them ( i.e. git add ).

How do I discard the changes?

Sunday 21 July 2019

Git- Part 3: Git Staging, Viewing Changes, Push and Pull, Dangers of Git Pull

Git Basics: Staging Files

● Command: git add <path|file>

● Staging Area (aka Index) allows you to selectively choose which files

will be committed and which will NOT (e.g debug files)

Wednesday 17 July 2019

Git- Part 2: Cloning a repo and making changes

Git Basics: Cloning a Repo

Command: git clone [directory]

Wednesday 3 July 2019

Git- Part 1: Intro to Git

Introduction: What is Version Control?

● Version Control System (VCS) is a system used for tracking

changes to content (aka source control).

● Crucial for collaboration:

◆ Who made the change?

◆ What was the change?

◆ When was the change made?

Sunday 23 June 2019

Policy-Based Routing (PBR), How PBR works and How we can use PBR?


  • Destination based routing systems make it quite hard to change the routing behavior of specific traffic. With PBR, a network engineer has the ability to dictate the routing behavior based on a number of different criteria other than destination network, including source or destination network, source or destination address, source or destination port, protocol, packet size, and packet classification among others.
  • Policy-based routing adds flexibility and control that other routing techniques do not. It give you a level of control that a routing protocol by itself does not.
  • With flexibility, there is typically a cost and in this case its scalability and manageability.
  • It is a great tool but not one to be used for all cases. When you have a need to forward base on something other than destination, then PBR is your answer.
  • In a way, it allows traffic engineering at interface level. It allows to route the packets over specific traffic engineered paths, which provide the desired QoS through the network.